You’ll never believe what my kid did yesterday.  It’s not like they’re tiny tots anymore, they know how this Christmas thing goes, and we are a family who believes in the magic of Christmas.  We Believe.

But we’re also realists.

We ask the kids to give us ideas for Christmas but limit them to four categories.  The whole want/need/wear/read thing works for our family, so they give us suggestions for those.  Then I slide a surprise in their stocking ‘cuz, you know, Christmas.

But a week ago T-man came to us and asked if he could change his Want because, well, whatever, just because.  Nope, sorry fella, too late.

But yesterday he comes out of his room at 9:00 at night to say hey, listen, there’s this new game that just got released –

Are you freaking kidding me??

Yes, we believe.  Yes, Christmas is magic.  But you cannot change/adapt/amend your Christmas wish list three days before The Day.  Dude.  I get this happening at five or seven or even nine, but not now.

Sorry, man, but this Santa is flat out of miracles.  Plus I just might lose my mind if I go anywhere near a shopping center today.

Linda’s stream of consciousness prompt drops on Saturdays.  This week’s prompt was to start my post with “yule,” “you’ll,” or “Yul.”