1.  After thirty years you meet one of your best high school friends for lunch and catch up like no time has passed at all.

2.  Even better, you meet at The Cheesecake Factory and find they have a) more than four options for gluten free meals and b) GF food that actually tastes, you know…delicious.

3.  Even better than that, they offer gluten free cheesecake that’s deeee-lish. Be still my heart.

4.  You catch the dog before she manages to consume any of the goodies she’s stolen. Including the lightbulbs. This dog has her own team of guardian angels.

5.  All three animals pass out around the room, snoozing hard after an exhausting day of playtime and naps.

6.  There was no rain. Nada. Zilch. Praise the good Lord above, not a single drop of wetness fell from the sky for this entire day. You even saw a bit of sun.

7.  The guy calls to say your sofa is ready for delivery which is great because Phoebe’s nerves are shot by a room boasting two armchairs but nowhere substantially cushy to plant her furry behind.

8.  Mia’s obsessed with the new cat scratching post/play thing that will hopefully a) wear her out every single day, b) provide hours of entertaining cat parkour, and c) save our family room carpet from those playful daggers she calls nails.

9.  Watching Gracie tear across the yard entirely convinced that this time she’ll catch the squirrel at the bird feeder before it can get through the fence.

10.  Smartfood is gluten free.