Sorry, guys, but I’m tapped out today. I’ve been struggling to land on something, writing and deleting sentence after sentence, but nothing stuck.

It took me all week to crawl out from under those godawful shootings last weekend. I vacillated between fury and exhaustion, determination and despondence. Reactions from certain public officials aggravated it. A collective effort to pivot the blame to video games and mental health nearly made my head explode. By the time Trump floated the idea of improved background checks as long as the bill was tied to immigration reform – well, I was kinda in my feels.

I wasn’t a fan of the day he visited El Paso and Dayton either. I mean, I get it’s an impossible situation. He doesn’t go and we say he doesn’t care, he does and we say he’s doing more harm than good. But I still say he had no business inserting himself in those spaces when he’s incapable of even a modicum of compassion. This promo video he released backs me up on that:

Who visits the sites of two mass shootings then releases a video that makes it all about himself?? Wait, hold on, I know the answer to this one…

So I was already kinda hanging on by a thread when they questioned a Trump/Cruz supporter armed with a gun and knife parked outside an immigration center in El Paso. Because that city’s not on edge at all this week.

Sobbing children in Mississippi who came home from school to find their parents had been snatched up by ICE. Kids who didn’t know where they’d sleep that night or how they’d have what they needed for school. Children crying too hard to eat. It’s heartbreaking.

And then another news alert popped on my phone last night and I snapped.