Riddle from the Middle

real life with a side of snark

Adult fiction

11/30/16 – Today’s Gratitude Project post talked about the magic of books, and Jodi Picoult is one of the authors whose work I’ve steadily appreciated over the years.  Even works that might typically be considered youth fiction (which I’ll address on that page) are terrific reads, but here I’ll focus on her books aimed for an adult audience.  Sing You Home hit home in dealing with the emotional trauma wrapped up in trying to conceive a baby, then it moved on to weave a complex story about recovery, the power of love, religion, and fertility rights.  Plain Truth dives into an Amish community in turmoil after one of their teens hides a pregnancy and gives birth in secret.  When the dead baby is found a lawyer who decides to defend the girl navigates the clash of cultures as she searches for the truth.  Keeping Faith follows the journey of an extraordinary girl through her parents’ divorce.  What begins as an imaginary friend in time of need morphs into the possibility of an angel and a young girl who heals others, and Picoult deftly examines the media and medical field’s roles in this kind of mystery.

7/16/15 – I’m laughing hysterically right now that there’s not one single book written about on this page.  I mean, come on.  That’s a little bit funny, right?  I am actually reading a lot right now but I’m focused on nonfiction (very unusual for me).  I had tucked away Still Alice by Lisa Genova with the intention of reading it on summer vacation.  Well, we’re about six weeks into summer and I’ve gone on two trips, all without cracking open that book.  (Though I am partway through three others.) Don’t give up on me; I promise that I do actually read.  But I also promise that I won’t put anything up on here just to fill space, so if it’s not something worth your time then I guess we’ll just have to stick with the white space.

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