Riddle from the Middle

real life with a side of snark

Youth non-fiction

8/8/15:  I’ll be publishing a post about puberty soon, and in it I mention that Bear and T-man both own books that they’re finding very helpful.  These books are called The “What’s Happening to My Body?” Book for Girls and The “What’s Happening to My Body?” Book for Boys by Lynda Madaras and Area Madaras.  Lynda Madaras has years of experience teaching sex education classes, and she used this to create a resource for boys and girls who are going through puberty.  I have to say, I love these books. They’re written in an easy-to-read style that kids respond to, and they’re filled with easily accessible information about all the changes Bear and T-man are facing.  The diagrams and illustrations clearly demonstrate different stages kids move through.  Full disclosure: these are no-holds-barred books. These women address every area candidly and completely, so this reading is bound to raise questions. But sometimes what parents really need is a springboard for the hard discussions, and these books definitely help with that.

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