We all make mistakes, but what was the worst one you ever made?

Woo buddy, going straight for the rough stuff on this one. I figure I’ve got a few choices: deflect with humor, choose some fluff nugget of a mistake, or actually dig up my worst mistake. At fifty-three I’ve lived long enough that I’m scrunching up my face trying to remember my worst mistake so far. On the plus side that means I haven’t done something like, oh I don’t know, murder someone. So I guess there’s that.

Anyway, I made some whopper mistakes in my teen years. I’d say the worst ones had to do with lying and hurting somebody who really didn’t deserve it.

Do you enjoy walking in the rain?

Walking in the rain is one of those romantic notions that’s much more appealing in a movie. Rainy weather leads to wet shoes then wet socks and nobody enjoys wet socks. Plus I wear glasses — have you ever tried walking around with flecks of water streaking down your glasses? Not good. It’s also hard to enjoy an experience when I can literally feel my hair frizzing into a huge pouf around my head.

You know what’s enjoyable? Sitting in a big comfy chair and sipping on hot cocoa as I watch the rain outside.

Have you ever been to a Fancy Dress Party? What did you go as?

Here’s me with my American self googling “what’s a Fancy Dress Party?” Best I can tell it’s like what we’d call a costume party here. My brain has fritzed out, though, and all I can think of is the years I dressed up for Halloween so I guess I’m not gonna be helpful with this question.

What was the first thing you saw when you woke up this morning?

When I opened my eyes I saw BrightSide’s dresser then looked down to see Gracie sprawled out on the floor between me and the door. It’s like this every morning — sometimes she’s snuggled up against the door, sometimes she’s stretched out right beside the bed, often she’s somewhere in between. 1% of the time Gracie’s lounging in her kennel but that’s rare for first thing in the morning.


Warmer weather, monarch butterflies, snoozy kitties, that new coffee maker, and a wonderful Mexican restaurant in town.

Pensitivity101 hosts Share Your World.