“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made.”

– Ruth Bader Ginsberg

This week we honor the life of a woman who changed the landscape of America for every man, woman, and child. Ruth Bader Ginsberg dedicated her service to “the constitutional principle of the equal citizenship stature of men and women.” Over the decades she broadened her understanding of “unjustified inequality” to argue for a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions, address how men suffer under gendered language in law, and champion LGBTQ protection from discrimination.

Ginsberg’s last term on the bench brought setbacks – to abortion access, healthcare provisions, and protection for workers of religious employers on the basis of sex – but she continued to encourage our pursuit of a more perfect union.

Time for us to carry on her work. Together.

Linda hosts One-Liner Wednesday. Check out her blog for the rules and to see who else is participating this week.