Where’s the line between respectful disagreement and being downright mean (bullying) to someone?

I’d say that lies somewhere between but if you look at it THIS way and holy hell, are you BLIND?!

Would you prefer to live in a world where alcohol was free or where politicians were honest?

Yikes. This has to be an either/or? Fine, then, I’ll just keep paying for those Lemon Drops and enjoy a world of politicians who are unrelentingly honest about their hopes, dreams, and what they’ll be willing to trade to achieve them.

What’s one habit you have that your family or friends think is rather childish?

Well, if they think I’m being terribly childish then they’ve had the good sense not to point that out to me.

Would you rather go to a big party and rub shoulders with the rich and famous or go to an amazing quiet Garden that hardly anyone has ever visited?

I am definitely more the quiet garden type.

Halloween Question: What do you think of the idea of “trick or treat or money for a charity” as a way of making Halloween more useful?

The idea is a solid one but the truth is Halloween=candy for most of us and I think that would be a hard nut to crack. Plus the thought of having a bowl of dollars beside the gluten free, peanut free, dairy free candy supply makes me break into a cold sweat. I vote for keeping Halloween the holiday of dentists’ dreams.

Sparks from a Combustible Mind hosts Share Your World.