“I wake up to the senseless killing [of Daunte Wright],” Philonise Floyd, 39, told The Washington Post. “It changed a lot of things. It added a little more pressure because justice for George means freedom for all because African Americans never get justice. If we can get justice this time, we can begin to change things for the next time.”

In a world where murdered Black men become hashtags Philonise Floyd shared an emotional account on the witness stand of who his brother George was. What strikes me most about his quote in The Washington Post is that last phrase: “we can begin to change things for the next time.”

For the next time. Because surely there’s no one left on this earth who’d argue this isn’t a commonplace experience in America. What Philonise knows is that things can’t even begin to change until the system itself acknowledges George Floyd’s public murder then demands justice.

Linda hosts One-Liner Wednesday. Check out her blog for the rules and to see who else is participating this week.