What are you reading right now?

I have forever and a day been reading Jen Hatmaker’s Of Mess and Moxie. No, not really, it’s just been since Christmas but my reading time’s been spotty so it feels stretched out. This would be in addition to my e-mails, which seem to have taken on a life of their own.

What was your first adult job?

My first year out of college I taught fifth grade special education (I think today the schools call this Exceptional Children). I remember working like a dog – endless grading, bulletin board crafting, writing reports, lesson plans late into the night – but time has softened the edges a bit. I look back on those days with a great deal of fondness now.

What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?

Holy cow, can you believe I almost had to say I don’t have one? I don’t really eat cereal anymore – it’s a bit too gluten-y carb loading for my body to take these days – and when I thought back to BGABI (Before Grocery Aisles Became Irrelevant) I realized I hadn’t eaten much cereal for a while. I finally decided, though: it was Life. Plain old Original Life cereal. It’s sweet without being too sweet, if you know what I mean.

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

BrightSide took Bear on a church retreat over the weekend so it was just T-man, the dogs, and me kicking around the house. We didn’t have big plans – T-man’s fiercely protective of his down time so outings with mama isn’t real high on his list at the moment. I cooked us both swordfish steaks for dinner on Saturday, though, and we curled up on the couch to watch Ironman together. He loved it, and I loved sharing a moment with him that was pure entertainment.

Cee’s Share Your World drops on Mondays so I guess you should mark me tardy.

What’s happening in your world today?