Alrighty then let’s see what we got.

signal, significant – whoops no, not that one – signature, signage, signaled…


Yeah that’s it, that’s all I’ve got. I’ll take signature for 500, Alex!

My son recently said with an entirely straight face that nobody needs a signature anymore. Say WHAT?! I feel like I do nothing but use my signature all damn day.

Now it’s true, sometimes you can use an electronic signature, which technically isn’t making your fingers hold a pen and do the motion of actually signing something…but I still do plenty of that too.

You know who always needs my signature? The doctor’s office. The doctor’s office for me, the doctor’s office for the kids. Nobody gets seen anymore until you sign your name on that tiny black, electronic square that gets sucked into the computer authorizing them to see you and bill the insurance company.

Try telling that receptionist you don’t think anybody needs a signature and see how far it gets you.

You know who else wants signatures? Banks. You buy a car? Sign the papers. You buy a house? Sign the papers. Do you want to rent an apartment or a car or a band instrument? Sign the damn papers.

Gone are the days of cursive instruction in how to write the old school curlicues but there’s still value in cultivating a signature. Even if it’s only so you can rent a bouncy house for twenty kids someday.

Linda hosts Stream of Consciousness Saturday. This week’s prompt is “signa…” Find a word that starts with “signa” and use it in your post. Enjoy!