1.  Is it possible time accelerates when I’m blogging? Weeks seem to fly by faster.

2.  Or maybe I just flipped staring at another 40 things draft.

3.  You’d think I’d write this post throughout the week; we’ll see if I remember that by Monday.

4.  We’ve survived Super Tuesday so of course I have some thoughts.

5.  For my non-U.S. readers Super Tuesday is a March voting day when a significant number of states weigh in on who they want to run in November’s election.

6.  Presidential election years ramp up in January but by March they get an adrenaline hit that makes me remember what we’re facing.

7.  Anyhoo, MSNBC shared an interview with a man in our area who said Nikki Haley wasn’t a viable option for him because – and this literally seems to be it – she’s female and got no balls to scratch.

8.  Watch for your own horror/entertainment.

9.  We have a Holocaust denying, gay bashing, anti-choice candidate who won North Carolina’s Republican gubernatorial primary.

10.  Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. Politics aside, I’m struggling with the idea of a campaign run between court dates.

11.  I’m keeping an eye on election adjacent movement. Or maybe at this point we just call it being aware of our surroundings.

12.  Alabama’s State Supreme Court assigned personhood status to frozen embryos.

13.  In a related move, Alabama’s governor signed a law protecting providers from lawsuits and criminal prosecution for the “damage or death of an embryo” during IVF services.

14.  The University of Florida eliminated its diversity, equity, and inclusion staff this week as a result of Ron DeSantis’ bill banning DEI initiatives in public colleges.

15.  This feels like good timing:

16.  That’s it, brain fried, gotta switch gears.

17.  How ’bout those French? The first country to enshrine abortion healthcare rights in their constitution takes the win.

18.  No huge news in our fur baby roundup.

19.  Mittens is still ridiculously large and selectively cuddly.

20.  Seven goes 100mph until he passes out to recharge.

21.  Gracie is our sweet old lady.

22.  The only thing that would make her life better would be eating all the things, all the time. Sad to say she’s kept on a strict diet.

23.  Still, mealtimes make Gracie smile and she gets treats once in a blue moon so it’s a good life.

24.  We’re entering the final months of senior year and it’s a wild ride.

25.  I’ve got one of those apps on my phone that lets you track events. A few days ago I noticed “Graduation in 90 days” on my screen.

26.  Something about the number really stuck. Like, NINETY? As in three short months??

27.  Say it ain’t so, Joe.

28.  Our youngest is wrapping up her high school experience shortly. Prom and May Term trip and graduation…it’ll fly by, I’m sure.

29.  It’s hard to grasp the fact that in six months she’ll live in another state entirely.

30.  Parenting grown teens and twenty-somethings is so freaking weird.

31.  What else, what else…

32.  Met my sister for brunch recently and it was wonderful all the way around.

33.  You know when you meet in the perfect place with amazing food and surprisingly good coffee and then talk for hours? Yeah, it was like that.

34.  I feel pretty lucky.

35.  Okay, random music note, anyone else surprised by Beyoncé’s Texas Hold ‘Em?

36.  Full disclaimer: I’m not a big country music fan so this was really working against her here. Despite loving Beyoncé and her music I just couldn’t see the song landing with me.

37.  Color me shocked when this tune lodged in my head and dug in. Seriously, the more I hear it the more I like it.

38.  This video also has dance compilations. Is there possibly a “real” video out there? Maybe, but I can’t find it and the dancing is fun so…

39.  Lay those cards down, grab that whiskey, and keep an open mind.

40.  Happy Friday, everyone. Welcome to March 2024.