First thing on the to do list when I wake up is to check the overnight news. My phone has alerts pop up on the home screen so if it’s earth shattering info I usually catch it before I even manage to brush my teeth. Another top item, kind of in the same vein, is asking Alexa for the flash briefing. Do you guys do this? We have an echo so while I’m getting ready in the morning I’ll ask Alexa for the flash briefing which consists of news items from NPR, CNN, and Reuters plus the weather forecast. I like to think it sets me off on an informed path for the day.

Then again, some might say there’s such a thing as too much information, especially first thing in the morning. I guess I’m not one of those people. Except on the days when I’m all shut up, Alexa! someplace in the middle because the words are all BLAH BLAH BLAHBLAHBLAH because I haven’t had my coffee yet.

Morning head can be a temperamental thing.

Linda hosts Stream of Consciousness Saturday. This week’s prompt is “first thing.” Start your post with the words, “first thing” and go from there. Bonus points if you end your post with the last thing. Have fun!