1.  Somehow Friday just kind of slipped up on me this week. That doesn’t happen often.

2.  Let’s look at it as a surprise party, except the kind you actually like.

3.  I guess some of you out there must love surprise parties. I cannot relate.

4.  If I ever turn on a light to a group of people yelling I can’t be responsible for what happens next.

5.  Best case scenario? Any littles in the group go home with a brand new vocabulary word.

6.  Worst case involves anyone within reach catching an elbow.

7.  As promised I can report I’m rolling into this weekend with that monster project tied up tight. Time to boogie down, folks.

8.  You know what we’ll start with? A smart little playlist called The Greatest Showman Reimagined. Because yes, I am that big a dork.

9.  It’s The Greatest Showman soundtrack with various artists stepping in to sing. SO GOOD.

10.  Bear introduced me to it. There may have been kitchen dancing involved.

11.  We’re inching toward summer so this week I got brave enough to try another salad-type meal.

12.  Primary requirement? Absolutely no coleslaw allowed.

13.  I chose this Taco Salad with Homemade Lime-Cilantro Dressing.

14.  Good news is it’s absolutely fantastic. Better news is everyone enjoyed it. Winner!

15.  Cucumbers aren’t in the ingredient list but look awfully good in her photos so I might try adding those next time.

16.  My salad could have been that pretty but I chose utility over presentation.

17.  I added everything except the chicken to our salad bowl then drizzled the dressing over it and tossed.

18.  Then I cut the chicken into bite sized chunks, added them to the bowl, and tossed again. Hers are prettier in those long crosscut strips but again, utility.

19.  I scooped out plates for everyone since some of the younger folks in my house have a tendency to pick around new recipes when they serve themselves. Ahem.

20.  Where’s your sense of adventure? RIGHT ON THIS HERE PLATE, MY FRIEND.

21.  I’m calling the win because everyone ate and two went back for seconds.

22.  What made me happiest was when Bear asked on a scale of 1-10 how healthy it was — I gave it a solid ten.

23.  The only thing that would have made my version cleaner was if I’d cooked black beans instead of using canned and mixed my own taco seasoning for the chicken.

24.  Maybe next time.

25.  Since we’ve moved out of fifty degree days I’ve been able to wrap my brain around smoothies again.

26.  I’ve made some good ones this week. Like this Just Peachy Smoothie and a Fit & Slim Smoothie.

27.  But the blender venture I’m most proud of is tiptoeing into the world of açaí bowls.

28.  These are yummy and pack some sort of superhuman nutrient punch. A delicious bowl of berry goodness I can top with more tasty stuff? Yes, please.

29.  I started learning about them here. The page has four recipes on it to get you started.

30.  I ended up buying açaí freezer packs at Target but you might have more options where you live.

31.  We also baked mac and cheese this week because who doesn’t occasionally want some cheesy goodness at the end of the day?

32.  I just realized how much of this post is about food. Sorry, guys, sometimes it gets away from me.

33.  Last night we watch Sarah Cooper: Everything’s Fine on Netflix and it was hysterical.

34.  Okay, full disclosure, the last ten minutes got a little weird but it’s laugh out loud funny. Two thumbs up.

35.  I’d imagine it sums up every broadcaster’s experience over the last eighteen months or so.

36.  You’ve gotta admire a creative project that brings together Helen Mirren, Whoopi Goldberg, Megan Thee Stallion, Connie Chung, and Marisa Tomei plus a whole lot more.

37.  It’s the Trump lip syncs that put me over the top, it really is.

38.  So we’re planning on going strawberry picking this weekend. A friend went and those berries look ah-may-zing. I figure a little sunshine will do us all some good.

39.  It’s reminding me of berry picking with my mom when I was little and how I wasn’t allowed at checkout because I’d always have berry stains around my little telltale mouth.

40.  There’s nothing like a sweet, plump blueberry right off the bush. No lie.