1.  Two weeks in a row, yessirrrrr.

2.  Or it will be as long as I publish 😑 but let’s be optimistic.

3.  Nothing gets me moving on a post like sitting in a waiting room.

4.  Unfortunately yesterday’s waiting room had a window looking out on the parking lot.

5.  We were running late for this appointment. Not by a lot, more like by 2-3 minutes.

6.  I try not to do that, though. Doctors’ offices are kinder when something comes up if I don’t have a history of chronic lateness.

7.  Which brings me to flying into a parking place with my hair on fire.

8.  Was I between the lines? Well, yes…technically.

9.  Was it rough enough that my son made a snide comment? Also yes.

10.  But hey, we made it and only 30 seconds late.

11.  I dreamed about our dogs this week.

12.  Phoebe and Gracie were running in the dog park. I can still feel the joy of watching them.

13.  Did I mention BrightSide gave me an electric blanket for Christmas?

14.  It sat in the corner forever. My reticence was part dealing with the unpredictability of my personal heatwaves, part a squirrelly hesitation about electricity laying on me overnight.

15.  Wait, I’m sorry, what was that?

16.  Laura, are you telling us in this world where you enjoy cell phones and GPS guidance and all the other technology that a little electric blanket set you back?

17.  Go ahead, get it out.


19.  I can’t explain the backwards thinking; it is what it is.

20.  Sometime last month I took the leap and set up the blanket overnight.

21.  Oh wait, I remember, it was while isolating in the basement with covid. It’s cold down there, man.

22.  Not in general but it was overnight. Or maybe it was the covid.

23.  But you know what fixed that? My trusty electric blanket that did not electrocute me overnight even once.

24.  Whoop whoop!!

25.  Now it sits on the bed waiting for me to click it on and drop off to sleep.

26.  Is it slightly anxiety provoking when Seven plops himself down to make biscuits? Sure it is, especially as he typically sucks on a blanket while he kneads it.

27.  Adorable, I know, but there are electrical wires in that thing.

28.  Side note: the blanket also hasn’t electrocuted our cat so double whoop whoop!

29.  10/10 highly recommend.

30.  You know what else I highly recommend? King Arthur Gluten Free Cookie Mix.

31.  Add chocolate chips for your mix in and they taste just like Tollhouse cookies.


33.  Do you know someone gluten free? Buy them this mix.

34.  Better yet make these cookies for them but I suggest keeping the box. You can swear up and down but they’ll want proof that these are gluten free, they’re just that good.

35.  1/4 our household is gluten free, 4/4 of our household adore these cookies. Just saying.

36.  I also swear by King Arthur Gluten Free Cornbread Mix

37.  Bake that in a buttery cast iron skillet and you’ll have heaven right there in your kitchen.

38.  Anyone else feel like I need a King Arthur sponsorship? Because I kinda feel like I’d be great at that.

39.  We’re wrapping up the week with…well, with so much left on the plate. You know those weeks where you try to start laundry for three days? I’m having one of those.

40.  So let’s all head into the weekend with heads held high and laundry baskets at the ready. Happy Friday, everyone.