I love email.

More accurately, I love the promise of email. I love the convenience, the speed, the ability to save things I’ll need again later.  I love how it lets me stay in touch with people I care about and communicate with companies. I like how you can send a message anywhere, anytime without needing a book of stamps in the house.

Story time for my youngest readers. Once upon a time, in a day not all that long ago, when you wanted to communicate with a friend or stranger you had to write your thoughts down on an actual piece of paper, fold it up, seal it in an envelope with a stamp, address it and then put it in the mailbox. Some man then drove it off in a little white truck and dumped it into a building where it got sorted with hundreds, thousands, millions of other envelopes, all of them shooting off around the country and the world. It was a crazy system but it was all we had. The end.

So I like the ease of email.  Does it mean we have to put up with junk mail from every store we ever shop at online? Sure… But I still like it. There’s a certain amount of humor to be found in the fact that kids now look at email as the dinosaur days. So I guess in the end we really aren’t that far off from the little man in the white truck who picked up all the mail.

Linda hosts Stream of Consciousness Saturday. This week’s prompt is “rhymes with ale.” Find a word that rhymes with ale, regardless of the spelling, and use it in your post. Enjoy!