1.  Let’s tackle week three of recapturing 40 Things momentum.

2.  I feel like that announcement deserves theme music. A Law & Order type DUN DUN.

3.  Something a little less penal code, perhaps.

4.  This post may be a bit floofy; I’m working on a sleep deficit.

5.  And because I blog of course I’ll be sharing.

6.  BrightSide popped back out to the family room the other evening.

7.  He’s the early to bed, early to rise partner in this marriage.

8.  We seem to pair up, the how do you function so early in the morning?! people and the how can you stay up that late??! folks. One of those cosmic jokes, I guess.

9.  So BrightSide usually heads to bed first and on Wednesday apparently he caught a hint of…how shall I put this?

10.  Eau de pee.

11.  Pee smells aren’t unheard of in our house. I mean, we’ve raised two children and multiple pets through all stages of life so pee happens.

12.  It’s also not something you really want to smell when you’re going to sleep.

13.  BrightSide tagged me in because I have what we affectionately call the Resident Super Sniffer™.

14.  For good or bad, this nose knows all the things.

15.  I was poking around for the source of the smell when I kneeled in a gigantic wet puddle on my side of the freaking bed.

16. We’d seen Seven there earlier. It sounded so sweet — ooh, look at Seven, he’s camped out on the bed! Adorable, right?

17.  Nope. That freaking demon spawn sprayed my side of the bed. He soaked through the comforter, the top sheet, the fitted sheet, and the damn mattress pad.

18.  To top it off, because cat piss is particularly pungent he even managed to slightly tinge the mattress itself.

19.  Pause for color commentary: %$@!!%$$

20.  We started stripping the bed at 11pm. I started the first load of laundry shortly thereafter and began treating the mattress.

21.  I managed to get our comforter through a wash cycle before crawling onto a couch at 2am.

22.  Was there cussing at the cat? Yeah, there was a good bit of that. It tends to happen as one carries cat urine soaked bedding across the house.


24.  I talk a lot of shit about Tide and its chemicals but I tell you what, those gigantic Tide Ultra OXI Power Pods with odor eliminators saved Seven’s rear end.

25.  Now we wait to see how long it will take to save our mattress.

26.  I guess we’re also waiting to see if Seven gets his feelings hurt again and decides to piss all over the house.

27.  I dropped by Total Wine and picked up some Rekorderlig hard cider, thank you very much.

28.  This smells infinitely better than my room right now. Just saying.

29.  Thursday brought rounds one and two of baking soda application combined with enzyme neutralizer.

30.  Thursday 8pm update: Seven’s janky scent lingers on. Cue another enzyme application for overnight and schedule a progress check for the morning.

31.  Guess we’re lucky the grocery store had a sale on baking powder last month.

32.  We checked out a local Mexican restaurant around the corner last night and woo boy, it was fan-tas-tic.

33.  I’m about to say something basic. Really basic. Gee-the-sky-IS-blue basic.

34.  I ordered tacos. Corn tortillas. Crunchy shell.

35.  I glitched and figured someone in the kitchen would pop open a box of taco shells and send the plate out.

36.  So I pretty much fell over when a plate showed up with homemade hard taco shells on it. Y’all, they were soooooo good.

37.  Now I have to google if your average Joe — aka me — can do this in their own kitchen.

38.  In other news, somebody trained in the way of the scissors cut my straggly, scrappy hair and my head feels so light!

39.  In other other news the hubby is working on moving offices this month. Big changes afoot.

40.  So, in sum: CAT PEE!!, night owl/early bird, the power of Tide, enzymes, hard cider, hard tacos, fresh hair. Happy Friday!!