1.  We took family photos last weekend and it turns out some truths are universal.

2.  I hate photos of me. Big hate. For real.

3.  If by some miracle I look okay in a photo someone else in the frame looks far enough off that it’s a no go.

4.  Wind + hair longer than ½ inch = impossible photography.

5.  Indoor shoots allow you to control the environment, outdoor ones have better lighting and atmosphere but can be unpredictable. Pick your poison.

6.  We’re now in the dissect a gazillion proofs stage of this little project.

7.  I know, I know, in the end we’ll have great photos. The process is just…uggghhhhhh.

8.  It’s been a little gloomy the last couple of days.

9.  I’m watching the sort of weather that makes me sleepy like the cats. Snooze, move to a new spot, snooze, snack, snooze some more.

10.  It’s a tough life.

11.  I recently refilled our feeder and rainy days always amp up bird activity.

12.  Seven’s enjoying this from his family room perch.

13.  Our trees are still largely bare out back so it’s quite the show.

14.  Thursday brought an entertaining bit involving a crow and hawk swooping around after each other.

15.  It was…hard to describe.

16.  Anyone else heard the phrase “poke the bear”?

17.  Watching them felt like that phrase took flight.

18.  Interesting factoids about the newest kitty:

19.  Mittens is what we’ll kindly refer to as a chunky monkey.

20.  Her smooshy face is the grumpiest thing in the room morning, noon, and night.

21.  This next one deserves a drumroll…Mittens let me pick her up and hold her this week. TWICE. Will wonders never cease.

22.  Turns out the grumpiest grouchy face is attached to a body that sheds roughly 2% body weight in hair daily.

23.  Y’all. SO MUCH HAIR.

24.  Did you know they make a Furminator® in cat size? Sorry, wait, back that up.

25.  Do you know about the Furminator®? Their dog tool has kept Gracie hair from taking over our entire house for years.

26.  All our kitties have been shorthair which should not be confused with non-shedding because phew! The hair is Big Time Real.

27.  In a serious “hold my beer” move, Mittens decided she’d take the shedding patterns of Seven and Mia then multiply by ten.

28.  Which brings us back to a lifesaving device called the Furminator®.

29.  This thing is working its de-shedding magic on our grouchiest looking feline and I’m grateful for it.

30.  side note: No, I’m not sponsored. But if anyone knows somebody at this company then I’m sure our furry critters would rise to the occasion.

31.  Hey, you know what we haven’t talked about yet? MARCH MADNESS.

32.  It occurs to me some of you fine folks aren’t from the U.S. and therefore might not be tuned into the insanity of college basketball playoff season.

33.  It’s a lot. It feels particularly heightened in North Carolina because these people are hardcore about basketball but I dunno, maybe it’s like this everywhere.

34.  One of my biggest lessons of the season? Humility.

35.  Hear me out.

36.  For years I was a blithely rah rah alma mater sort of girl. Not because I was deeply invested in UVA’s basketball program but because I cheered for my school’s team. Just, y’know… ‘cuz.

37.  There was that glorious 2019 victory where we won the NCAA championship and celebrated big time because YES WE DID THAT THING.

38.  But beside that big big high we’ve had some rather low lows over the last few years and humility has been the unavoidable result.

39.  It’s hard to say yeah, we blew that or we got outplayed or we just didn’t want it bad enough — it all feels icky and other not-good things — but seeing weakness along with strength is important.

40.  So if you’re a b’ball fan and your team is still in the tournament let me be the one to say congratulations and good luck! Here’s hoping your players have FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT’S HOLY practiced their free throws.