There are some things I sigh my way into.  A pair of soft, fleecy sweats…the t-shirt broken in by hundreds of washes…fuzzy socks on a cold, snowy day.  Then there’s that one special blanket I wrap around my shoulders and sink into for a nap.

And I have one of BrightSide’s shirts that always makes me feel like I’m home again.  It’s an old plaid flannel button down, so worn it feels like cotton balls brushing across my cheek, so soft it’s like being wrapped in a warm hug.

At the end of each day I change into my PJs and slide on this shirt, snuggling into it like my favorite pair of slippers.  The comfort of the familiar.  The warmth of a thousand nights spent cuddling with my family on the couch.

It might look like a battered old flannel shirt to some, but it is at once past, present, and future to me.

My post as part of Colline’s Gratitude Project.