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Alas, alack, whatever shall I do without my Ns?

Welcome to The Mad Grad Student’s Missing Letter Mondays challenge, Riddle from the Middle edition.

The pitter patter of old age draws closer:

  • I accepted the gray hair a while ago.  I hate it, I color it, it is what it is.  But a gray eyebrow hair?!  Puh-lease!!
  • I say the phrase “Sorry, what was that?” far too much.  Why is everybody so ridiculously quiet?  Speak up, for the love of Pete!
  • Cramped letters are the work of the devil.
  • Comfort almost always outweighs style.
  • Ads targeted to (ahem) “people of a specific age” are all over the place these days.
  • “I’m so sorry” has become “This is me, take it or leave it.”
  • Sometimes it’s sheer force of will that gets me off the floor & to my feet.
  • “Sure, I’m up for that!” has become “Looks great, but how sore will I be tomorrow?”
  • Crows feet.  That pretty much sums it up.