Y’all. I think I’m gonna have to own this one.

First, if you get e-mails from me and just clicked the link for SoCS – that’s some magic voodoo right there, apologies. I know it probably kicked you into some crazy no man’s land and quite possibly demanded ransom to return you to a reasonable RFTM location.

I did it. I guess. I’m pretty sure. At least I think I might have put today’s date in to “schedule” it for tomorrow and then ended up hitting schedule except because it was today’s date it published to the blog instead which meant I had to move it back into the queue for tomorrow’s blog post and then sacrifice a lamb to the WordPress gods asking for forgiveness.

Especially seeing as I’m pretty sure I did the exact same thing last night. Bless.

I promise I’ll get back to my regularly caffeinated, reasonably attentive self soon. I hope.

Maybe you could log a sacrifice on my behalf, too. It doesn’t have to be a farmyard animal; pretty sure even a spider would be acceptable to the cause…