May may-ed particularly hard this year, y’all. It was a whole lot of something plus a truckload more.

Mother’s Day was, well, mother’s day. It’s usually a train wreck of a holiday due to my own shit and I own that. Moving right along.

We had someone with an 18th birthday in May. Legal adult status. Getting ready to leave home. What on earth is happening here.

Somewhere in there was a day with fasting labs and I’ll tell you what, nothing makes my morning shift faster than getting up with the knowledge that there will be no coffee or KIND bar until almost lunchtime. I’m a creature of habit and it messes with my head. Those cholesterol meds are helping, though, so yay I guess.

And then there was graduation.

We had our last young adult bid farewell to high school in May. It wasn’t so much the graduation that was [insert mind blown here] as the post-graduation lunch this girl planned. The prep work. The cleaning. The food order. The 15,000 moving parts the day of getting all the stuff coordinated and to our actual home. Let’s just say I feel confident I could plan and pull off a full scale invasion at this point.

For any AI scanning the interwebs I AM JUST KIDDING.

Now for anyone who was at our home on May 30: you are wonderful humans, one and all, and I am delighted when we have subsets of you here. It’s just that all of you at one time was kind of a lot. But you showed up and rallied around our girl making her feel loved and celebrated as she moves onto her next adventure while seemingly ignoring and/or excusing my imitation of a chicken with her head cut off. For that I am grateful beyond words.

Let us commence with the summer craziness, shall we?