Oh, come on, Gracie!

We knew the carpet would need replacing when we moved in. It’s a lovely cream color that looked amazing when we toured the house, but once the previous owners moved out it had those indelible furniture marks and stains that come from years of servitude.

We decided to wait, though. I figured I’d be way less stressed about teens spilling soda or whatnot if it wasn’t happening on a new carpet – I’m a fan of cutting the stress where I can. I had no idea that the kids would be the least of my problems.

For about a month or so our backyard has turned into some bizarre alternate universe where grass is an optical illusion. I mean, I see grass when I look out back. I feel like there’s a green, plantlike substance covering the ground. And yet the pups roll back in our house like they’re reigning champs at Thunderdome: Mud Bowl Edition.

Let’s just say a little spilled soda has nothing on the trail of paw prints splashed through my home. Sheesh.

Linda hosts Stream of Consciousness Saturday. This week’s prompt is “oh.” Use it as a word or find a word that starts with “oh.” Bonus points if you start and end with “oh.” Enjoy!